Each course consists of 28 weekend sessions, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
The courses' live video lectures will be conducted via Google Meet screen sharing, and all study materials and practice labs will be shared on Google Drive as PDFs.
Every course has different fees, please check the prices of each course in main menu under "All courses"
There will not be a refund, but the applicant will receive free retraining until they pass the certifications.
We have a flexible payment option where you can pay the course fee for your desired course in three installments.
You can book the certification through Person Vue in person or onsite. Our dedicated team will have one-on-one sessions with you to assist with this.
We do not provide a job guarantee, but our dedicated team can assist you in building your CV and teach you interview techniques that could lead you to success in your upcoming interviews.

If You Have Any Questions You Can Call Me 24/7